A Farewell to Arms Readalong IV

The readalong at War Through the Generations is wrapping up, and here are the final discussion questions. Don't read this if you don't want to know what happens at the end. 1. In Chapter 31, as Henry is swept down the river, he refers to a “we”. Who do you think this “we” is? I just assumed that he was speaking of himself only and using a sort of figure of speech. I noticed it, but didn't think about it too much. 2. After Henry’s escape into the river, he talks about not having any obligation to the war effort on either side, though he wishes both sides luck. Do you think he is no longer brave/courageous or is it something else? Explain. I think he's had enough and sees that moment of escape as an irrevocable choice to leave the war. He's in a bind--he's been trying to do his duty and get the cars and equipment where they're supposed to go, but it's a mess, and now he's been picked up and will be shot as a deserter or a spy no...