More November Reading

Here's some more November reading! I'm thinking about going back to single-book posts, but on the other hand I'm having trouble finding time to write even these quickie riffles through several books at a time. What do you think? The Canceling of the American Mind: Cancel Culture Undermines Trust and Threatens Us All -- But There is a Solution , by Greg Lukianoff and Rikki Schlott: I've been looking forward to this book for a long time! The title is a riff on Lukianoff's last book, co-written with Jonathan Haidt, and the two titles work together. This time, Lukianoff is teamed up with a Gen Z writer, Rikki Schlott, to bring in a younger perspective. The thesis here: that cancel culture (which yes, exists) is a manifestation of false ideas discussed in the earlier book, and which serve to make us less mentally healthy and less able to function as a society. The ideas: Fragility: that people are fragile and need comfort; they...