
First off, happy Halloween! Happy Witch Week!! I hope everything is suitably spooky in your neighborhood. Wow, I feel like I've done quite a bit of reading lately....but what I have not done is finish anything much. I think I am 30 - 50% through ten or so books! There are books all over my coffee table; it's a disaster. How Democracies Die, by Levitsky and Ziblatt I Served the Kind of England, by Bohumil Hrabal The Cancelling of the American Mind, by Greg Lukianoff and Rikki Schlott Overreach, by Owen Matthews (oh my gosh so heavy-duty) The Lost 116 Pages, by Don Bradley A Land, by Janetta Hawkes Sexy but Psycho, by Dr Jessica Taylor (fascinating and I think goes a bit too far) London Diary, by James Boswell (why yes he has picked up an STD, again) Les Miserables, by Victor Hugo Junk Film: Why Bad Movies Matter, by Katharine Coldiron (I love this book) So, I'm in kind of a ridiculous place right now. But here are the three books I'...