Signing off, for the present

In the last week I've come to the rather sudden decision that I need to put this blog on hiatus. It hasn't been a very fun decision; I so enjoy connecting with all of you about books, and Howling Frog has been a part of me for nearly ten years. (I still think it's the most awesome blog name ever.) But here we are. I will still comment on your posts, and I'm planning on finishing my 2019 challenges. I cannot stand the idea of not finishing them! I'll still read my CC list and read around the world. I am unhappy about doing this in the middle of Witch Week, so that I haven't participated like I wanted to do, not to mention all the other cool November events. And what about the CC Spin, of which I have never missed one? I'll have to figure out a way to do that...and I have a pile of books saved up for the Vintage Sci-Fi Reading event in January... It's funny how much weight this decision has taken on in the last week. I mean, I own ...