Undine and Other Stories

Undine at the start (Rackam, obvs.) Undine and Other Stories , by La Motte - Fouqué Well, his whole name was Friedrich Heinrich Karl de la Motte, Baron Fouqué, but that was too difficult, so even my book only says "La Motte Fouqué" on the title page and never elaborates. He lived from 1777 - 1843 and was a German Romantic to the core; my little Oxford World Classics book (from 1932) says we "may now recognize in Fouqu é the latest and the most uncompromising of the Romanticists, the man who accepted most unflinchingly the principles of that school, and who carried them out most thoroughly." It also calls him "somewhat stupid" and goes on to note that his output "was positively prodigious, and most of it, so far as modern readers are concerned, might very well have been left undone." Poor Fouqué! The introduction does allow him several stories to keep for posterity, and these four make up the majority of them. It must be admitted tha...