Sister Emily's Lightship

Sister Emily's Lightship, by Jane Yolen Happy Halloween! I can't exactly call this an RIP read, but it has elements and so I'm going to round off the event by squeaking it in here, and incidentally segue into Witch Week! Jane Yolen is one of the grand dames of SF/F writing, I think we can all agree (RIGHT? *ominous glare*), and this collection of short pieces that were published all over the place is well worth tracking down. Many of these stories are twists on classic fairy tales -- "Snow in Summer," for example, is a version of Snow White set in Appalachia, or in a really genius bit, "Granny Rumple" is a realistic tale that could have been the seed for an anti-Semitic Rumplestiltskin . "Godmother Death" is a wonderful version of a story found across cultures, in which a man outwits Death...but only for so long. There's a nice little series of stories about fey, where the characters are related or appear in various tales. The y...