Upcoming March events!

I'm quite excited about March reading. There's some good stuff coming up.... What better month to read Irish literature? Cathy at 746 Books is hosting Reading Ireland Month! It just so happens that I recently picked up a copy of The Third Policeman by Flann O'Brien, so I'll read that. Head on over to Cathy's place to see the plans. Of course, the highlight of March is always March Magics, the event dedicated to Diana Wynne Jones and Terry Pratchett! Kristen We Be Reading is hosting this year, and the theme is "All the Shorts" -- I'm not sure what I'll do for Pterry, since I read A Blink of the Screen just two years ago. On the other hand, I can't actually remember most of the stories, so maybe it's time to pick it up again! And I will undoubtedly just binge right through every single one of DWJ's shorts. I have all the collections, and I can't wait to read that nightmarish one about the magician and "Dragon Re...