Best Books of 2018

Time for me to figure out the best of the books I read in the past year. Goodreads tells me that I read just about 180 books this year (at least, it says 179, but I know I can finish one in the next couple of days!). I looked over my list, and I read a lot of good stuff this year, but not many things stand out to me as fabulous, memorable reads that I was really thrilled about -- just one or two, which you'll find at the end of the post. Still, there was plenty of good material, and here are my favorites: Miss Mackenzie, by Anthony Trollope: Miss Mackenzie is not your average novelistic heroine. She is thirty-five, not particularly beautiful or educated... I love Trollope, and this novel did not disappoint. Jim Henson, the Biography, by Brian Jay Jones : Henson did a lot of inventing all the time, right from the beginning, and developed lots of things that became television standards -- or stretched the boundaries so far that they didn't quite ...