Something on Sunday, 10/28

Hey, it's time for Something on Sunday, Jenny's meme where we share good things about the week because goodness knows we need it. I had a humor grenade last night. We were watching some of Ghostbusters , one of the greatest movies ever made, and you know at the beginning the librarian gets scared, and Venkman asks her if any of her relatives have mental problems. Her answer: "My uncle thought he was St. Jerome." I was laughing about that later on and my husband was not familiar with Jerome, so he looked him up. Jerome is the patron saint of librarians. _______________________ I went to a free concert featuring a brass quintet and it was great! Lovely music, including Bach, some modern stuff, some jazz, and all the songs of the five branches of the military. Because it was an Air Force quintet, part of the Air Force Band of the Golden West, a fancy name if ever I heard one. My daughter and I got all inspired about altered books and we ...