We Believe the Children

We Believe the Children: A Moral Panic in the 1980s, by Richard Beck Readers who were around in the mid-80s may remember that a lot of people were worried about Satanic ritual abuse of children, particularly preschool-aged children in daycare. Some daycares were accused of being centers of ritual abuse; the children were interrogated, evidence searched for, and a lot of people went to jail. This was big stuff, people. And it was almost entirely made up . These huge, publicized cases were sparked by one person worried about a child--in at least one case, by a person with severe mental problems--and blew up into hysteria. Almost certainly, some children who had actually been subjected to abuse were lost under the mountain of false conjecture and panic that mounted up. Richard Beck has written up a history of the most publicized cases in which he also tries to explain--not really very satisfactorily-- why this all happened. I think that'...