The Triple Package
This book got some notice when it came out because one of the authors is the Tiger Mother woman. Turns out she's also a law professor and does a lot of this global analysis stuff too. (I have not read the tiger mother books, so maybe she said that and I just didn't know.)
Chua and Rubenfeld sort of profile ethnic/cultural groups in America that have done unusually well: Jews, Nigerians, Cubans, Chinese, Mormons, and a few others. They isolate three cultural traits: a superiority complex, impulse control, and feelings of inferiority. Their claim is that these three traits, working together, in an open society, will produce a group that tends to be more materially successful than the average. And then they delve into some detail.
I didn't feel like they did anywhere near as much analysis as would be useful. They'll kind of jump around, spending a page or two on one group before moving on to another. I really mostly picked the book up because the inclusion of Mormons caught my eye--that's the only group in the book that isn't ethnically based. Anybody can be a Mormon. But they restricted the working definition of 'Mormon' to mostly include people whose families have been LDS for more than a generation, even though some of the people they profile are converts. Anyway, I felt like any analysis of Mormons was so shallow and short as to be nearly useless. So I'm kind of thinking that if a Cuban or Nigerian read this book, they'd feel like the analysis of their cultures was useless too.
More usefully, the authors talk about why these three traits might produce a lot of driven, wealthy people. I was happy to see that they talk about the (often severe) problems that can come along for the ride, and I was even happier that they spent quite a while talking about how "success" might not really be solely defined as "getting rich." They also discuss how Triple Package traits can be crushed right out of a group or can be useless in an oppressive society; they work very hard to be fair.
Not a bad read, not earthshaking either.
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