CC Spin #40!!

 Wow, it's the 40th Classics Club Spin!  You know the drill, or you can see it at the site.  They'll pull the number on Sunday morning, and we'll have until April 11th to finish the book.  Here are my titles: 

  1. No Name, by Wilkie Collins
  2. Peter the Great's African, by Pushkin
  3.  The Beggar's Opera, by John Gay
  4. The Nature of Things, by Lucretius
  5. Second-Class Citizen, by Buchi Emecheta
  6. Life and Fate, by Vasily Grossman (this would be quite a feat!)
  7. Sybil, by Disraeli
  8. The Leopard, by di Lampedusa
  9.  Phineas Finn, by Anthony Trollope
  10.  The Obedience of a Christian Man, by William Tyndale
  11.  Sagas of Icelanders (aiming for 50% by the due date)
  12. The Well at the End of the World, by William Morris
  13.  The Law and the Lady, by Wilkie Collins
  14. It is Acceptable (Det Gaar An), C. J. L. Almqvist 
  15. Two Years Before the Mast, by Richard Henry Dana
  16.  Amerika, by Kafka
  17. Polyhistor Solinus 
  18. The Tale of Sinhue (ancient Egyptian poetry)
  19.  Eichmann in Jerusalem, by Hannah Arendt
  20. Lives, by Plutarch (again, aiming for part, not the whole)

I'd quite like to get William Morris or Polyhistor, or anything not too depressing.  Wish me luck! 


  1. I've not read any Trollope or William Morris, but hope to include both on my second CC list. Only 14 more books (out of 65) to finish my current list.

    1. I've been super lazy on this second list! It's taking me forever. But I highly recommend Trollope; I like him more than Dickens.

  2. I'd forgotten about Amerika by Kafka. Good luck on your spin!


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