Wyllard's Weird

Wyllard's Weird , by Mary Elizabeth Braddon Mary Elizabeth Braddon was the Victorian sensationalist author of Lady Audley's Secret . She was hugely prolific, and lived a rather sensational life herself -- she lived with the publisher John Maxwell as his wife and had six children with him, but Maxwell was already married and had five children with his actual wife, who was still alive. No wonder her most famous novels were about bigamy! I've always wanted to read Wyllard's Weird for no other reason than its title, and it became my book to read on my phone for a couple of weeks. We start in a train going to Cornwall -- as the train is on a bridge over a deep gully, a young woman falls to her death. Mr. Wyllard, a wealthy man, is the first to reach her, but she is dead, and there is no identification at all. She has no luggage, nothing but a basket containing a little food for the journey. She seems French in her dress, but that's the only clue....