CC Spin #36: Rob Roy

Success! I had a little trouble with this one, because I was trying to read it on my phone, and that was just not working very well. I was less than halfway through and March was looming, but a nice Penguin copy came across the donation table and I took it home. After that, it was easy to read 50 pages a day and zoom through... Rob Roy, by Sir Walter Scott When I read The Heart of Mid-Lothian , I was surprised that it wasn't about Jacobites adventuring all over the highlands, but that turns out to be Rob Roy. Honestly I preferred Jeanie Deans, but this was quite fun. I can see why stay-at-home English folks of the mid 1800s loved reading this! It's 1715, and our narrator is Frank Osbaldistone, whose father is a London businessman. Young Frank prefers art and poetry to accounting (and doesn't quite see why he should work hard when his dad has plenty of money), and his exasperated dad sends him off to cousins in Northumberland, pointing out that h...