CC Spin #33: Motl the Cantor's Son

Motl, the Cantor's Son , by Sholem Aleichem I'm late delivering my Spin title, even though I finished it a couple of weeks ago! I enjoyed this so much. Various people told me that it was a lot lighter than Tevye the Dairyman , which I read a few years ago, and it definitely was. Motl is a little boy, 8 and 9 years old, telling his story of getting to America -- in installments, because it was published as a serial in a newspaper. We start in a shtetl in the Russian empire; I'm pretty sure it would be Ukraine now. Motl's family is poor but cultivated, because his father is Peysi the cantor and a very well-respected man. After his death, the family is left penniless and Motl's older brother resolves to take everyone to America, 'everyone' being their mother, Elyahu the brother, his wife, his best friend (a comedic bookworm given to declaiming about Columbus), and little Motl. It's about 1910, the pogroms are getting worse, and America promis...