February Reading, Part the Second

I've been split between really quite heavy-duty books and incredibly light cotton-candy books. I've read four Three Investigators novels in the last couple of weeks -- ones near the end of the series, so not as good as the earlier titles, but still fun. I could tell the last one was different from the cover, and it turned out to be one of some stories originally written in German -- the Three Investigators were evidently hugely popular in Germany, and somebody wrote some sequels that come off more as fanfiction than anything else, I thought. Anyway, on with the February reads: The Road to Unfreedom: Russia, Europe, America, by Timothy Snyder -- it took me a long time to work my way through this one. Snyder took on the job of explaining the underpinnings of Russian (Putin's) political ideology and policy to Americans. It's a very tough job, because to a Westerner it's fairly incomprehensible. Snyder then moves on to explaining Russia's acti...