Summer's End

Well, how did I do with the 20 Books of Summer? I managed to blog about 17 books, most of which were on my original list. I did get an 18th book read, but it's for Witch Week so you'll have to wait! I'm not thrilled with my performance, but all things considered I'm happy and I had a really nice summer, which is the important part. I got some quilting done too! I did fall down a bit with WIT August. The first books I chose turned out not to be translated at all; it was written in English. (Every other book I've gotten from that 'Emerging Voices' series has been translated! I just assumed!) I'm still reading my other choice, which is a very long mystery novel from Spain, set in Basque country. Now it's back to work/school and there's plenty going on, which is keeping me from doing a whole lot of posting at the moment. My younger kid is preparing to move out next week, into an apartment here in town with a friend....