Summerbook #5: This is How You Lose the Time War

This is How You Lose the Time War , by Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone In the war that rages across all the branches and braids of Time, there are two factions: the Agency, which encourages orderly technology, and Garden, which encourages chaotic nature. Their agents engage in subtle actions that will influence the world in two generations, or two hundred years. Or they may push a planet to war and destruction. It doesn't sound fun, but the agents were designed and raised to this job, and they're constantly watched to make sure they do their jobs. Red works for Agency; Blue, for Garden. They have never met, but when you've got a perfect nemesis, you get to know them well, and they've been fighting each other for a very long time; neither of them are human. And then Red receives a letter from Blue. Their letters to each other are highly secret, and they practically never come written in ink on paper. Instead they're coded into object...