The Lost Book of the Grail

The Lost Book of the Grail, by Charlie Lovett A little while ago, I had this novel recommended to me as one of the best novels the person had read this year. Given that she reads a good deal more than I do, this was quite a recommendation, so I got it from the library. Lovett has a fun take on the Grail legend, planting it in Trollope's fictional county of Barsetshire. Arthur Prescott teaches at the local university, but what he really likes is living in Barchester's cathedral close, going to Evensong (even though he's an atheist), and studying the Holy Grail in the cathedral's library. Arthur's grandfather taught him that the Grail was real, and located right there in Barsetshire. Then, to Arthur's dismay, Bethany arrives from the US to digitize the medieval manuscripts in the library, which might possibly be all right if it didn't raise the possibility that the cathedral would sell the books off. And Bethany is suspiciously interested in the Holy Gr...