Spin Title #27: The Popol Vuh

The Popol Vuh (Definitive Edition of the Mayan Book of the Dawn of Life and the Glories of Gods and Kings), translated by Dennis Tedlock I am so happy with my Spin title! The Popol Vuh is amazing stuff, and Tedlock puts in plenty of explanatory material to help with comprehension. I loved it. Mythology/religion readers, put this on your list! The Popol Vuh is the holy book of the Quiché people in Guatamala -- the Mayans. The book tells of the creation of the earth, the start of the Quiché, and goes right down to the writers' own day, which was the 1550s. The men who wrote it down kept themselves anonymous for fear of punishment. (Tedlock is of the opinion that they were the three Masters of Ceremonies mentioned near the end.) Of course I can't go through the whole thing, but...at first there is nothing but a quiet sky and sea. The gods arrive and decide to create an earth and people for it; they want the people to be able to na...