The Problem With Everything

The Problem With Everything: My Journey Through the New Culture Wars, by Meghan Daum I enjoyed this book, which is pretty much exactly what it says: Daum's thoughts on #MeToo, the 2016 election, and everything that's been going on for the last few years. She spends a good deal of time meditating upon the differences between people her age -- GenX, like me -- and the other generations, and her conclusion is pretty much that we've always been irrelevant and will never not be irrelevant (well, fooey). For example. #MeToo. When we were young, GenXers valued toughness; we desperately wanted to be tough. Harassment was inevitable, and ideally we'd come up with some cool, dismissive response that would get us out of the situation and also make us feel like we were too tough to be bothered. Millennials, logically enough, asked why they should have to be tough in the first place -- why do we have to put up with this? While I do feel that a certain amou...