Jews Don't Count (what a title!)

Jews Don't Count, by David Baddiel I'd never heard of David Baddiel, but I came upon a strong recommendation for this book, and oh it was a good idea. It's a short book, and it's kind of an angry polemic rather than a carefully constructed argument, and it's riveting reading. So, for my fellow Americans, who the heck is David Baddiel? He's a British comedian/TV guy/writer who says he's one of the relatively few people in the UK who are famous as Jews. And this is a very British book! He talks a lot about famous Brits and events -- about half of the things mentioned were things I'd never heard of. (Even I know about Jeremy Corbyn and the mural, though. I'm still not too sure who Piers Morgan is but this week I learned that he is a TV person, not a politician.) American issues sometimes get in, but this is mostly a very UK book, which means I learned a lot. The premise here is one that I think is completely true. Baddiel argues that, ...