March Magics is Coming!

Holy moley, I've been a bit lazy about blogging, and now March is upon me! So I'll publish this right away, in case you didn't know that March Magics is coming! It's almost here! Once more, Kristen is graciously hosting, and the theme this year is... She writes: Many (most? all?) of us are obviously feeling lonely and isolated after this long ordeal and some of us need to be reminded that we can still come together past physical boundaries. Second, both of these authors do marvelous things with ensemble casts, whether it's the Chrestomanci clan at the castle or the Nac Mac Feegles under the chalk. Celebrating teamwork and shared responsibility in literature may even inspire us in our real lives. Finally, I have been seeking out music recently that brings me joy and The Beatles' All Together Now never fails to get me smiling and it immediately popped into my head when I was thinking about togetherness and the joy of this event so here we are! Wel...