The Lark

The Lark, by E. Nesbit I'd never heard of this novel by E. Nesbit until it started making the blog rounds several months ago. It's not a children's story; it's more for adults or adolescents. Perhaps it would have been a YA novel if such a category had existed 100 years ago. Anyway, I've always been a big Nesbit fan, so I was excited to see this book, and it's so easy to get, $3 on Kindle. Even I, cheap as I am, am willing to shell out $3 for a Nesbit book I've never read. Cousins Jane and Lucilla have spent the entire Great War sequestered away in school, despite being quite grown up by the end. Now, in 1919, their guardian has finally sent for them to leave school -- only for them to find that he has lost nearly all their money, and having scrammed out of the country, has left them with a cottage and 500 pounds to live on. Jane firmly announces that this whole thing is going to be A Lark, and they set out to earn their living. Next thing t...