The World Between Two Covers: Reading the Globe

The World Between Two Covers: Reading the Globe , by Ann Morgan You all know I like to read books from all over the world, so I was interested in this title right away. I thought it would consist of thoughts about literature from all over the world. Then I was surprised to find that it is actually a blog-project book. Then I was surprised again to find out that it's not really quite a blog-project book, since it isn't a description of the project; it's more thoughts on what 'world literature' is, what it means to read the globe, and issues pertaining thereunto, which developed as a result of the blog project. A few years ago, Morgan was doing a blog project where she read only women authors for a year, and then she realized that she hadn't read anything not written in English since college. Her shelves were stuffed with Brits and Americans and a few other English-speakers, and that...was about it. So she decided to read one book from each country in ...