
Vineland, by Thomas Pynchon I've been sort of trying to read my way through Pynchon's novels in order of publication, based on the fact that I really like The Crying of Lot 49 . So I read V. last year and that was OK, and over the summer I started Gravity's Rainbow , and at first I liked that pretty well, but I got about 70 pages in and had to quit. Just, no. But Vineland was next and I thought, hey, it's another of the 'three California novels' like Lot 49 and maybe I'll do better. I started Vineland while sitting on Avila Beach and decided that this one was probably a keeper. ....I'm coming up pretty blank on how to describe this, though. It's pretty weird and surreal (and funny!). So I'm going to do something I do not do and give you some of the back-cover blurb: Aging hippie freak Zoyd Wheeler is revving up for his annual act of televised insanity when news reaches that his old nemesis, sinister federal agent Brock Vond, has...