Ready for the readalong?

I hope you have your copy of the Morte D'Arthur and are ready to start reading!   We start on October 1st.

I'd tell you to start your engines, but this is a medieval setting, so...have your squires saddle your horses?


  1. Jeane, do you have a particular edition to recommend? I've been happily reading along for the challenge, although not blogging it, so I'd enjoy giving Morte a go, but there are so many different editions I feel overwhelmed.

  2. Oh, I know what you mean! I'm afraid I don't know a whole lot about different editions, but you probably want a modernized editions instead of a rewriting. The language isn't really very far from ours, so it mostly only needs modern spelling and punctuation to make it easier to read.

    I'm reading an old Everyman edition edited by Ernest Rhys. He must have left it nearly alone--there are no quotation marks for the dialogue and people say things like "That me repenteth." So...if you want something more modernized, go for a more recent edition! :)

  3. I'm not sure that I'm ready, but I'm in. I've even scheduled my reading for each day! Scary!

  4. Ok! I think my library has a couple editions (not the Penguin that I found recommended most of course) so I'll peek inside both and compare.

  5. I'm ready! I'm taking this chunkster with today to read in a queue.. I hope it'll distract me!


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