The Giant 2018 Challenge Wrapup Post

I'm running out of time to wrap up this year, so here are the results of my 2018 challenges!

Back to the Classics: FINISHED 12/12

1.  A 19th Century Classic -- Miss Mackenzie, by Anthony Trollope
2.  A 20th Century Classic -- The Third Policeman, by Flann O'Brien
3.  A Classic by a Woman Author And So Flows History, by Hahn Moo-Sook
4.  A Classic in Translation.-- The Dawning, by Milka Bajic Poderegin
5.  A children's classic.  -- The Wonderful Garden, by E. Nesbit
A classic crime story, fiction or non-fiction.  -- Greenmantle, by John Buchan
A classic travel or journey narrative, fiction or non-fiction. -- Rasselas, by Samuel Johnson
A classic with a single-word title.  -- Walpurgisnacht, by Gustav Meyrink
A classic with a color in the title. --
The White Devil, by John Webster
A classic by an author that's new to you. -- Pan Tadeusz, by Adam Mickiewicz
A classic that scares you. --
Glass Bead Game, by Hermann Hesse
Re-read a favorite classic. 
-- Keep the Aspidistra Flying, by George Orwell

Adam's TBR Challenge: FINISHED 12 +1/12
  1. Early Christian Writings (a collection)
  2. Rasselas, by Samuel Johnson
  3. Pan Tadeusz, by Adam Mickiewicz 
  4. Individualism and Economic Order, by F. A. Hayek
  5. Lectures on Russian Literature, by Nabokov
  6. Memoirs of the Crusades
  7. Confronting the Classics, by Mary Beard
  8. 800 Years of Women's Letters (a collection)
  9. Danubia, by Simon Winder
  10. Home and Exile by Chinua Achebe
  11. The Sea and Poison, by Shusaku Endo
  12. Libraries in the Ancient World, by Lionel Casson
  13. Fire in the Bones, by Wilcox (a biography of Tyndale)
  14. The Story of Science, by Susan Wise Bauer (my guru!)

Bev's Mount TBR Challenge: FINISHED with over 30/24 titles (post coming soon!)

European Reading Challenge: FINISHED with 10/5 titles, disappointingly low
  1. The Third Policeman, by Flann O'Brien (Ireland)
  2. The Age of Bede (UK)
  3.  I Grew Up in Latvia (Latvia)
  4.  Pan Tadeusz, by Adam Mickiewicz (Poland)
  5. Walpurgisnacht, by Gustav Meyrink (Czechia)
  6. The Dawning, by Milka Bajic Poderegin (Montenegro)
  7. Everything Happens As It Does, by Albena Stambolova (Bulgaria)
  8. The Sibyl, by Par Lagerkvist (Sweden)
  9. The Glass Bead Game, by Hermann Hesse (Germany)
  10.  Memoirs of the Crusades (France)
Update on Reading All Around the World (started January 2017): I'm at 42 countries -- almost 25%.

Update on Classics Club, List II (started March 2017): 53 titles out of almost 200. 


  1. Wow! Congratulations on all of your challenges. Even though you would have liked to have read more from your European Challenge, these are impressive titles! How was that Story of Science, by Bauer? Did you write a post on it?

  2. Ruth, yes I did! You should be able to click on the title and it will go to the post. I think I may have even included the PHOTO of me with SWB, since I had her sign the book! Most exciting meetup of the year. :)

  3. Congratulations on winning the 2018 TBR Challenge!


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