Mount TBR 2018 Wrapup

Time for the final wrap-up post with Bev of My Reader's Block's Mount TBR Challenge!  There are rules here.  Bev says:
For those who would like to participate in this checkpoint post, I'd like you to at least complete the first of these two things.  And if you feel particularly inspired, then please do both.

1. Tell us how many miles you made it up your mountain (# of books read). If you've planted your flag on the peak, then tell us, take a selfie, and celebrate (and wave!).   

I signed up for 24 titles, and hit a record number of 34!  Now, two of these I have not yet blogged about, but I DID finish them before year's end.

  1.  Early Christian Writings (a collection)
  2. The Age of Bede 
  3. The Ginger Star, by Leigh Brackett
  4. The Hounds of Skaith, by Leigh Brackett
  5. The Reavers of Skaith, by Leigh Brackett
  6. Crashing Suns
  7. Danubia, by Simon Winder
  8. The Story of Science, by Susan Wise Bauer (my guru!)
  9. Rasselas, by Samuel Johnson 
  10. Pan Tadeusz, by Adam Mickiewicz
  11. Fire in the Bones, by S. Michael Wilcox
  12.  Towers in the Mist, by Elizabeth Goudge
  13. Libraries in the Ancient World, by Lionel Casson
  14. Home and Exile, by Chinua Achebe
  15. Over the Gate, by Miss Read
  16. The Market Square, by Miss Read
  17. The Sea and Poison, by Shusaku Endo
  18. The Pocket Enquire Within
  19. Justinian's Flea, by William Rosen
  20. Miss MacKenzie, by Anthony Trollope
  21. Lectures on Russian Literature, by Vladimir Nabokov
  22. 800 Years of Women's Letters, ed. Olga Kenyon
  23. The Sibyl, by Par Lagerkvist
  24. Smoke Gets in Your Eyes, by Caitlin Doughty
  25. Confronting the Classics, by Mary Beard 
  26. The Romance of the Forest, by Ann Radcliffe 
  27. Jurgen, by James Branch Cabell
  28.  Greenmantle, by John Buchan
  29. Memoirs of the Crusades
  30. True Grit, by Charles Portis
  31. The Child From the Sea, by Elizabeth Goudge
  32. Crime and Punishment, by Dostoevsky
  33. Letters: Parents and Children  
  34. The Miracle of Language, by Richard Lederer

2. The Words to the Wise According to Mount TBR: Using the titles of the books you read this year, see how many of the familiar proverbs and sayings below you can complete with a book read on your journey up the Mountain. Feel free to add/subtract a word or two to help them make sense. 

A stitch in time...[saves] Crashing Suns
Don't count your chickens...[before] Smoke Gets in Your Eyes
A penny saved is.... (a) yeah I got nothing here.  Just nil.
All good things must come to...The Child From the Sea 
When in Rome... [you'll be] Confronting the Classics
All that glitters is not...[a] Romance of the Forest 
A picture is worth a...Fire in the Bones  (I mean, if it was a really great picture...?)
When the going gets tough, the tough get... True Grit
Two wrongs don't make (a)... Story of Science 
The pen is mightier than....Crime and Punishment
The squeaky wheel gets...Lectures on Russian Literature
Hope for the best, but prepare for...800 Years of Women's Letters  (hee hee) 
Birds of a feather flock... [in] The Market Square

Looking forward to new heights in 2019...


  1. Well done! Always good to be modest and break the aim.
    I loved Crime and Punishment, hope you did as well.


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