Spin Number

The Classics Club posted the spin number today and it is:  4!  Which means I will read Jens Peter Jacobsen's great Danish novel, Niels Lyhne.  I'm very excited.  It's another title that I really liked in college, and now cannot remember one thing about.  It's a later novel than The Queen's Diadem, and at the moment I'm kind of thinking it's going to be a bit like The Sorrows of Young Werther, but hopefully without the suicide.

Looking at ebook offerings, I see that you can get it for free on Kindle if you want a German edition, but the English costs $5 or so.  Penguin has a nice-looking paperback, too.  My own copy is hardback, and I can't find an image of it at all.

In other news, today was our first day of school.  It was a very good day; we reviewed math and grammar skills, started modern history with a discussion of the British Empire in the 1850s, and began a study of American government.  This year we are hosting a physics class, which should be quite fun, but it grew while I was planning it and now I'm a little daunted by my 3 high schoolers, 3 8th-graders, and I'm not even sure how many younger kids.  Today we had the older kids over to watch lectures from The Teaching Company, and labs for everybody will be on Fridays.  Whee!


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