Classics Spin #3

It's time for another Classics Spin!  My reaction is two-fold: oh goodie! and, but I just started A Suitable Boy!  I should have known that starting a 1500-page novel would get me into trouble.  (I'm really liking it.  Do not let the length intimidate you!)

Obviously I can't just skip the Spin, though, because that would be no fun and probably cowardly too.  So here are my 20 titles--some I want to read, some I'm scared of, some I'm indifferent to, and some random choices:

  1. Shakespeare:  Richard III
  2. Anthony Trollope, The Small House at Allington.
  3. Evelyn Waugh, Brideshead Revisited
  4. Jens Peter Jacobsen, Niels Lyhne
  5. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe,  Faust.  (1 and 2)
  6. Kaestner, Three Men in the Snow  
  7. Nikolai Gogol, Dead Souls.  
  8. Mark Mathabane, Kaffir Boy
  9. Mohandas GandhiMy Experiments with Truth.  
  10. Junichio Tanizaki, The Makioka Sisters 
  11. Rudolofo Anaya, Bless Me Ultima 
  12. Willa Cather, My Antonia
  13. 'My Brilliant Career' by Miles Franklin
  14. Thomas Mann, Death in Venice
  15. Miller, The Crucible
  16. Voltaire, Candide.
  17. Albert Camus, The Stranger
  18. Lawrence Sterne, Tristram Shandy.
  19. Mario Vargas Llosa, The Time of the Hero or another work
  20. T. S. Eliot, "The Love Song of Alfred J. Prufrock"
Wow, some of those are pretty darn scary.  We'll find out what number comes up on Monday, which is also the first day of school for us.  


  1. I loved My Antonia!! It was much better than I anticipated. :) And The Love Song of Alfred J. Prufrock is my very favorite poem. I can even recite it. Lol. I hope you get the number you most want to read! :)

  2. I've got Tristram on my spin list too and it's my #1 scary book. Is it on your scary list too?

  3. I've just started A Suitable Boy too although it's readalong so I can take my time. Good luck with the spin!

  4. Thanks folks! Tristram is fairly scary, yeah. Not super-scary; that would be the Llosa book. I've never read anything by him, and I'm usually nervous about Latin-American lit.

  5. Ooo My Brilliant Career is so good! I'd also be curious to hear your thoughts on Brideshead.

    I love Shakespeare but I hate reading plays (seeing them on stage > reading them) so I didn't include him in my list :(

    I'm doing the spin too, the suspense is killing me!


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