15 Day Book Blogger Challenge, Day 11

Today April at Good Books and Good Wine wants me to show off five of my best blog posts.  I went through my archive--though I left out my first year on the theory that it probably wasn't that great--and picked some favorites.  Here you go:

  1. My post on What Makes Diana Wynne Jones Magical from DWJ March of this year.  I can't say it does any justice whatsoever to the amazingness of DWJ, because I am not that articulate, but I tried.
  2. In January, I co-hosted a children's literature event.  This post on 19th-century illustrators was fun to write.
  3. I love books like Pink and Blue, with lots of cultural history and information about clothing.
  4. Last October I read The Castle of Otranto for a Gothic novel event.  I had fun reading it and writing what I hope was a sort of humorous post.
  5. I'm including this one because I'm such a sucker for ancient British history and antiquarians: Ancient British Trackways.
Bonus post: I had a really good time writing up a readalong of Madame Bovary with the WEM Ladies.  I even managed to get a Bollywood reference in there...

The mailed fist from Castle of Otranto


  1. My favourite one is about The Castle of Otranto! I remember laughing out loud when reading it last year :)


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