
Moura, by Virginia Coffman

I saw this recommended as a spooky Gothic read recently, and it was cheap on Kindle, so I snapped it up.  Indeed it's a pretty good Gothic!

Anne is housekeeper at a girls' seminary--this is 1815.  When a young French student is taken back to her home estate of Moura, Anne gets worried about her and travels to France to check up.  She finds an ancient, crumbling chateau, surly servants, a murderous ghost, and plenty of other chilling elements.

It's a good spooky story, dating from 1959 when they knew how to turn 'em out.  Unfortunately the Kindle scan is terrible.  There are a couple of pages missing at one point, I think some other skipped passages, and lots of typos.  That was disappointing.


  1. Aw, boo that the Kindle book was all cruddy. For lo, I love a Gothic novel. (Or a spoof of a Gothic novel as I have been reading The Camelot Caper a few pages at a time every night before bed for the last little while.)

  2. Oh, I love the Camelot Caper! Hm, maybe I need to reread that....

  3. This is the kind of thing I absolutely ate up in my teen years, and you are so right, they could really turn them out in the 50s. I must read one of these again.

  4. Yep. I think they were really hitting a good tone--creepy and romantic without being gross or explicit.


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