I actually cannot show you a picture of the little cross-stitch project I've been doing this week, which is nearly done, because it's a birthday present for my daughter and I don't want her to see it.  But I have produced several quilt squares recently:


I can give a hint, though, about the present--it has a blue box on it, and it's a bookmark.


  1. love the quilt design

    Thanks for sharing and have a great week

    Candace #43

  2. Gorgeous quilting, hope your daughter likes her present. Happy WOYWW. Helen #7

  3. Beautiful quilt, love the colours.
    Hugs. Pam#28

  4. A nice traditional quilt that will keep you busy for a long time.
    Monica 126

  5. Nice work! You must be a patient person, sewing quilts...
    BTW - I'm a book addict too ;)
    Happy woyww!
    Jana #88

  6. Quilting and cross stitching... two techniques I never do but I LOVE seeing how other crafty persons work. Thanks for sharing! Have a nice and creative week. Happy ~ belated ~ woyww and a hug from Holland. Marit #91


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