Readathon, Day 5

I really thought today I'd have a bit more time for reading, but I was wrong!  I did get my daughter safely on her way to camp, though, so that was the big thing of the day.  And I picked a whole lot of fruit.  I've got nectarines coming out of my ears here.  I did get to read some:

Some of the third book in a collection of three Pop Larkin novellas called The Darling Buds of May.
I'd already read the other two and was taking a break.

A very few pages of Pamela, which I found again.  Now Mr. B. is telling his side of the events from Volume 1.  Nothing is ever going to happen again, apparently; they are just going to reminisce about the past.

A good bit of On the Road.  Therefore today's song selection is
Depeche Mode's cover of "Route 66," no surprise there.  I'm not actually a fan of this cover, which IMO lasts too long and doesn't have enough variation, but the song itself is good.  I have no idea why there is a neon ghost lady in the video, though.

A little bit more of A Red Herring Without Mustard.  Still not enough to really tell whether I want to keep reading.

It's a good thing I'm trying to read; I think otherwise nothing would get read at all, and that would be sad.


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