Wildfire Readathon, Day 1

It seems that people post statistics about what they read.  I am not good at this, but I'll make a stab at it.  Usually it looks something like this:

Friday, June 7th
# of pages:  
Books read: 
Books finished:   
Total # of pages: 

I'm not sure how many pages I read or anything like that, though.

Mr. B finds Pamela Writing, by Joseph Highmore
I've assigned myself 50 pages a day, and today I managed about 65, so go me!  I'm almost done with the first volume, though I have no idea what else Richardson is planning to do with Pamela.  She's going to have to get kidnapped by pirates or something for anything exciting to happen.  He could have stopped here and had a fine novel that was only about twice as long as it needed to be. 

Prospero's Mirror, by A. N. Donaldson

A short novel featuring M. R. James as the narrator, I read about half today, but what that is in pages I could not say; it's a Kindle book.

A Streetcar Named Desire, by Tennessee Williams 

 Today I read scenes 4-11 and finished the play.  About 80 pages I guess.  Wow, it was really something.  Stay tuned for a proper post on this, my Spin read and first Williams play. The Shelf Confessions people have challenged us to come up with one song for one book, every day.  So today I did this title and chose Ella Fitzgerald's rendition of "It's Only a Paper Moon."

On the Road, by Jack Kerouac 

I read about 50 pages or so, so far.  I'm now into Part 2, not halfway through yet.  Sal has been on one round trip around the US and is heading out on another one, this time with Dean Moriarty.

Theodosia and the Eyes of Horus, by R. L. LaFevers

The third in a fun middle-grade series about Theodosia, who goes around combatting ancient Egyptian black magic in Victorian London.  I read about half.

And, finally, "Gifts," an essay by Hugh Nibley

I'm reading slowly through a book of essays called Approaching Zion.  This was one of them.


  1. Oh, I agree that A Streetcar Named Desire IS something! A very powerful play! Waiting to read your review :) Your musings about "only twice as long" made me smile. I haven't read Pamela, but it's only too true for a lot of books :)

  2. Jean, do you really need a read-a-thon?

  3. Yes! :D It's nice to make a real effort to spend time reading instead of putzing around online, mostly. Besides, it's fun and there are prizes!


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