After my smocking frenzy a couple months ago I took some time off from sewing, but now that school's out, I'm back in a big way.  In the last week, I've finished a quilt top (it was strips before) and started a new project.

Finished quilt top

I've been in the mood to produce something really complicated, with lots of little pieces.  I haven't done much complex piecing in years, as I have spent a lot of time on heirloom smocking and sewing and less on quilting, and the quilts I have made have tended to be the easy-piecing, spectacular-fabric kind.  Now I suddenly have four complicated quilts in my head!  So I went through my stash and planned 3 of them, and picked a Lori Smith pattern to start with.  I've been saving up fabric for years to do an antique-style quilt with repro fabrics, and now I'm finally getting around to it.  It's a medallion pattern, and I've done the central 18" block (the scary part!) and now I'm working on a myriad of little 3" blocks in various patterns to go around it.

Center medallion

Tiny pieces
 This is very different than the kind of quilting I've done lately, and it's very interesting--I've got this pile of fabrics, many of which are quite hideous to my taste, but once you cut them up and put them together, they look neat.  Value is most important, color after that, and an ugly pattern just becomes interesting.  An awful color perks it up or melts into the background.  So this is a really nice exercise for me.

What really put me in the mood for complex piecing was a new quilting book I found last week on my trip, but I'm going to tell about that in my next booky post--tomorrow probably.


  1. Beautiful work - I'm the world's worst sewer so I'm full of admiration! x

  2. Lovely work. Thanks for visiting me, it is just folded shapes you can see. They might be for a card not sure yet x

  3. Jean, your patience makes me specchless, even the idea of collecting fabrics over a period of YEARS for an idea that has to germinate..makes me want to jump up and down like a child and shout NOW!! The centre medallion looks just fabulous, funny how it comes together when you're in the right mood. And I agree entirely about the use of amazingly horrid patterns,works like a charm in scrapbooking too..the skill is in knowing it and trusting yourself when you buy it!

  4. What lovely quilting & the pattern, you have been busy. Happy woyww jill #82

  5. Hi Jean
    your quilting is fantastic I am loving the fabric you have used and the patterns are so lovely
    Wishing you a very happy WOYWW and hope you have a great week
    Ria #39

  6. I love your quilts they are so lovely.. I have brought some fabric and am going to make a small one myself hopefully this winter. Mine will definitely be the easy peasy sort though.
    Sandy :) #42

  7. Wow, Jean, I'm not a quilter, but your work is beautiful and, girl, when you take on a project (or four), you mean business!! I hope you have a wonderful week! Darnell (I'm just visiting this week, so no no.)

  8. Wow, your quilting is amazing! Such small pieces and intricate patterns....you have way more patience than me :-) I love the very grown up colours in the first shot!
    Hugs, LLJ 35 xxx

  9. Thanks for showing us your beautiful work. I'm glad there are people in the world who do such marvelous things. I enjoy technology, but "real" things are so valuable. Happy WOYWW and thanks for visiting me. ~ Laura #106

  10. Awesome quilts! I admire you to be able to create such wonderful things. I am just not patient enough
    Gabriele 58


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