Mixing It Up Challenge

I know, this is going a bit overboard, but I like this one! It's the Mixing It Up Challenge hosted by Ellie at Musings of a Bookshop Girl.

Here are the rules:

  • Read one book from each of the challenge categories, using the guidelines above. Don't use the same book for more than one category!
  • The challenge will run until December 31st 2012, so you can sign up any time during the year.
  • Create a blog post for the challenge, to keep track of what you've read. Add review links for each completed book so we can see how you're getting on. My post, for example, looks like THIS.
  • The URL you leave in the Mr Linky MUST be a direct link to your challenge post, not to your blog homepage - I don't have time to comb through several months' worth of posts searching for it as the year wears on!
  • Leave a comment on this post with your blog name (so I can match you to your Linky entry) and your chosen level of participation.
  • Bookmark this post so you can come back later! I'll be adding links to update posts over the year, plus you'll have the category guidelines handy if you need them!
  • At the end of the year, everyone who has read along and hit their chosen target will be entered into a bookish giveaway. Prizes to be determined!

And here are the levels:

  • MEASURING JUG: Playing it safe with 1-4 categories
  • CUPCAKE MIX: Livening things up with 5-8 categories
  • MIXING BOWL: Branching out with 9-12 categories
  • TWO-TIER CAKE: Getting ambitious with 13-15 categories
  • ALL THE TRIMMINGS AND A CHERRY ON TOP: Going for gold with the full 16!

I am feeling greedy as usual and will be going for the full 16. Here are the categories:

1. Classics  The Old Curiosity Shop, by Charles Dickens
2. Biography And There Was Light, by Jacques Lusseyran
3. Cookery or food A Homemade Life, by Molly Wizenberg
4. History A Distant Mirror: the Calamitous 14th Century, by Barbara Tuchman
5. Modern Fiction: Half of a Yellow Sun, by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
6. Graphic Novel/Manga Feynman, by Ottaviani and Myrick
7. Crime/Mystery Hopjoy Was Here, by Colin Watson
8. Horror The Haunted Dolls' House and Other Stories, by M. R. James
9. Romance  Midnight in Austenland, by Shannon Hale
10. SF/Fantasy  The Man in the High Castle, by Philip K. Dick
11. Travel  Lovely is the Lee, by Robert Gibbings
12. Poetry/Drama The Merchant of Venice, by Shakespeare
13. Journalism/Humor Henrietta Sees It Through, by Joyce Dennys
14. Science/Natural History Why Darwin Matters, by Michael Shermer
15. Children's/YA Daughter of Smoke and Bone, by Laini Taylor
16. Social sciences/Philosophy  Unnatural History, by Mara Hvistendahl

I'm looking forward to adding this challenge to the pile. The funny thing is, that I'm seeing a lot of book bloggers out there now who have more challenges than this and who read quite a bit more than I do....so if you think I'm bad, just look around a little more!

Finished November 3!


  1. Welcome to Mixing It Up Jean! I've taken on a fair few challenges this year too - which is optimistic since I didn't finish either of this year's, oops - but hey, perhaps my reading mojo will surprise me in 2012... Good luck, and happy reading!

  2. Thanks Ellie! I think I can do my challenges...but I will have to exercise some discipline and not grab every book I see from the library...

  3. Eight books down already?! Blooming 'eck, and I was already surprised by the couple of people who'd tackled four! Congratulations, you'll be done by March at this rate! ;)

    I had a rubbish start to my own challenge - January has been a great month for listening to music and going out and Getting Stuff Done Generally, but my reading has been... well, non-existent. Maybe I'll be able to catch up in February!

  4. I know, it's kind of ridiculous isn't it? I got a lot of reading done in January and it happened to fit in...

  5. Another couple of months down, and you're almost done! Haha, nice one, I'm only about three categories down so far, it's rubbish! Off to read your reviews for DAUGHTER OF SMOKE AND BONE and UNNATURAL HISTORY - they're both on my wishlist so I'll be interested to see what you thought... :)


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