Week 50: On the Wasteland

On the Wasteland, by Ruth M. Arthur

This is an old children's book that is now almost forgotten, but I thought it was very good. It's too bad no one hears about it any more. My local library has one of the few library copies left in the US, so when I heard about it, I could get it easily.

Betony is an orphan girl living in a group home in Suffolk. Although she has no family, she knows that her mother was from Suffolk and feels a strong attachment to the local land. And when she spends time on a piece of waste land that was a harbor 1000 years ago, she is taken back to a time when Vikings and Saxons were neighbors and enemies.


  1. Ohh, this sounds really fun! I'll have to cross my fingers I can track down a copy. :)

  2. Looks like there's a copy in El Paso, so maybe you can ILL it!


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