Faerie Queene Readalong!

Here it comes, the most challenging readalong of 2016: Edmund Spenser's The Faerie Queene., published in 1590 and 1596, just exactly 420 years ago.

O at Behold the Stars is hosting; it was her idea, and several others quickly jumped on board. Cleo, Cirtnecce, RuthConsoled Reader and I will be joining in, and you are very welcome too.  Here's the (rather terrifying) schedule:

April 25 – May 1st  ~  Book I
May 2 – May 8th  ~  Book II
May 9 – May 15th  ~  Book III
May 16 – May 22nd  ~  Book IV
May 23 – May 29th  ~  Book V
May 30 – June 5th  ~  Book VI
June 6 – June 12th  ~  Mutability

A book a week, egads.  I guess we'll be posting weekly as well.  And for two of those weeks, I will be on my big trip to the UK, so I will either have to read ahead very strenuously or catch up afterwards....probably that second option!  But it doesn't matter, because it's going to be quite exciting either way.  I'm most of the way through Lewis' Images of Life, so I'm almost ready.  It feels like training for a marathon or something.  In fact, I've decided to call this reading project "X-treme Poetry!"  Because that's what it feels like to me!  And after all, I am something of a 90s girl.


  1. Great kick-off post and I wish you O (Behold the Stars), Ruth (Great Book Study) and Cleo (Classical Carousel) luck reading Faerie Queen! It is a massive challenge! Looking forward to all your reviews, 'classic book' lovers!

  2. I've never felt such excited tension before starting a read before.

    Have a fantastic trip to the UK and don't worry if you fall behind. I have a feeling that I might be catching up as well. X-treme poetry here we come!

  3. This is amazing! I'm so impressed that you're even attempting the dang thing. I'll just be in the cheering section!

  4. Truly this is the X-tremest of readalongs! I'll be cheering y'all on but not joining in. I am so impressed you're doing this!

  5. Wow! That is quite a challenging readalong. Not joining in, but will follow your updates. Good luck!


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