Classics Spin #12

Yippee, it's another Spin!  I get so ridiculously excited about these.  It's getting tricky now, because I'm getting down to about 30 books left on my Classics Club list.  I've only left out a few of the very scariest ones (like William James' Varieties of Religious Experience, what on EARTH was I thinking?), but some of these are still pretty terrifying.  Faulkner is impenetrable, the History of the Franks is over 600 pages of medieval history, I'm not at all sure I'm going to like The Tin Drum, and everything from Latin America is just difficult.  This time I just put everything down in the same order that it shows up on my CC list:

  1. Booker T. Washington, Up From Slavery. 
  2. William Faulkner, US, 1929. Light in August
  3. “Our Town,” Thornton Wilder (1938). 
  4.  The Glass Menagerie, by Tennessee Williams 
  5. Carl Sandburg, 1940, Abraham Lincoln: The War Years
  6. “Why We Can’t Wait,” Martin Luther King Jr.
  7. On the Origin of Species, Darwin
  8. T. S. Eliot, "The Love Song of Alfred J. Prufrock"
  9. Gregory of Tours, History of the Franks 
  10. Pope St. Gregory I, Pastoral Care  
  11. Thomas Mann, Germany, 1924. The Magic Mountain.
  12.  Pensees, Pascal (1670)
  13.  Gunter Grass, The Tin Drum
  14. Kalidasa, The Loom of Time.  
  15. Murasaki Shikubu, Japan, ca. 990.The Tale of Genji. (abridged) 
  16. The Conference of the Birds
  17. The Blind Owl, by Sadegh Hedayat. 
  18. Cesar Vallejo, Poemas Humanos. 
  19. Augusto Roa Bastos, I the Supreme or another work.  
  20. Mario Benedetti, The Truce or another work.  
 I'm kind of hoping for Booker T. Washington or Sadegh Hedayat....what are you hoping for?


  1. I was just going to say...Yay! Up From Slavery! One of my favorites. I love Washington. He gives wonderful insight into his times, and he was a man of great courage and leadership. You should enjoy it very much, whenever you get to read it.

  2. I've only heard of a few of these! :) I hope you get The Conference of the Birds - I loved it!

  3. I'm unfamiliar with the last four but I've actually read two on your list: Up From Slavery and The Magic Mountain. Up From Slavery is awesome. I really enjoyed how his book was so forward-thinking and positive and practical. Here's hoping you get it!

  4. The only book I know is Our Town, and it's been years since I read it for One-Act Play Competition in high school (and I didn't get a part!). I would like to read The Magic Mountain someday, so I'm going to hope you get that one because I want to read your review. I'm down to the last 9 books on my list which includes The Hunchback of Notre Dame, which I am dreading. Good luck on Monday!

  5. So. I'm very very nervous about getting The Origin of Species if no. 7 spins our way. I already have several heavy non-fiction books on the go....this one could tip me over the edge! Although I have wanted to read it ever since I learnt about evolution at school and i do have a lovely Folio Society edition to tempt me even more....

    Happy Spinning
    Brona's Books

  6. Love seeing the Narnia books on you spin this time.
    North and South is wonderful and I loved Huck Finn too. Handmaid's Tale is scarily good.

    Man Search for Meaning is on my future spin list :-)

    Happy Spinning!

  7. Oh dear, your list does look rather intimidating to me--well, other than the Faulkner. I've only read a small amount of Faulkner to date, but I just love his writing. I hope you get something you like. Good luck!


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