And the Spin number is....


Which means I'll be poem.  "The Love Song of Alfred J. Prufock," by T. S. Eliot.  Which is kind of funny, since most of the items on my list were long and heavy! 

Oops, Eliot spotted a misprint.

Also, happy 4th birthday to the Classics Club!  Which gives me exactly one year to finish my list off, so I'd better get moving.


  1. You could expand a bit by reading Eliot's entire first book, Prufrock and Other Observations, which is still only about 30 pages.

  2. Hm, that's not a bad plan. I'd also thought of adding Wasteland in, since that's one I want to tackle someday. That would make for plenty of work!

  3. Oh, fun! I haven't read this one, but I have read The Wasteland, and loved it! Happy reading!

  4. Nice! That's an excellent pick, I hope you like it! I love TS Eliot's poetry, though one does have to look past some seeeeerious antisemitism at times. (Alas.)


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