The Mysteries of Udolpho Readalong!

When I found out that a few people (including Cleo) were planning a summer read-along of The Mysteries of Udolpho, I begged to be allowed into the club.  So here we are!  I even made a badge in GIMP -- this was my first one, and it's pretty dang amateur but I had fun and learned skills.  Cleo made one at the same time and it's a good deal prettier.  So I'll alternate!

This is the most casual of read-alongs.  Check out Cleo's post for details, but here's the schedule:

June 1 – 7                Chapters I – IV (Volume I)

June 8 – 14               Chapters V – XIII

June 15 – 21             Chapters IX – XIII

June 22 – 28             Chapters I – III (Volume II)

June 29 – July 5        Chapters IV – VI

July 6 – 12                 Chapters VII – IX

July 13 – 19               Chapters X – XII

July 20 – 26               Chapters I – VI (Volume III)

July 27 – Aug 2          Chapters VII – IX

Aug 3 – 9                   Chapters X – XIII

Aug 10 – 16               Chapters I – VII (Volume IV)

Aug 17 – 23               Chapters VIII – XII

Aug 24 – 31               Chapters XIII – XIX (end)

I don't have a physical copy of Udolpho, but I have a Kindle collection of the Horrid Novels, which includes Udolpho and The Italian as bonus content.  (I read one of the Horrid Novels, The Castle of Wolfenbach, a while ago for RIP XII and it was a lot of fun.)  So I'll be reading on my tablet.  I did read this novel once, long ago in college, for fun over a break.  I got a copy from the university library, which turned out to be from about 1850 and they still let me take it out of the building.  I read it and C. S. Lewis' The Discarded Image at the same time and ended up with some very odd dreams.  Anyway, I can't remember a thing about Udolpho, except what Isabella and Catherine talk about in Northanger Abbey -- what could be behind the horrid black veil??


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