My Lucky Spin Number!

The Spin number was announced this morning, and it is....number 5!*

My #5 book is The Bride Price, by Buchi Emecheta.  Yay!!  I love Emecheta, and I am excited to read this novel.  Here is the synopsis: 

The Bride Price is the poignant love story of Aku-nna, a young Igbo woman, and her teacher, Chike, the son of a prosperous former slave. As their tribe begins to welcome western education and culture, these two are drawn together despite the traditions that forbid them to marry. Aku-nna flees an unwanted and forced marriage to join Chike, only to have her uncle refuse the required bride price from her lover's family. Frustrated and abandoned by their people, Aku-naa and Chike escape to a modern world unlike any they've ever experienced. Despite their joy, Aku-nna is plagued by the fear the she will die in childbirth--the fate, according to tribal lore, awaiting every young mother whose bride price is left unpaid.

*I had a hard time picking a 5 for this post.  There was a mystic 5 with a dodecahedron behind it (?? not 5-based, but pretty), a Spidey 5, so many good 5s.  I picked this painting, "I Saw the Figure 5 in Gold," by Charles Demuth; it is a portrait of William Carlos Williams, based on a poem of his.


  1. Oooooh I've never heard of this one. It sounds really interesting. My 5 was King Lear of the Steppes by Turgenev so will be interesting to see a Russian take on an already tragic story...

  2. Surely a dodecahedron is composed of twelve pentagonal faces? So there's the five connection.

    As usual you are so diverse and wide ranging in your choices! This sounds interesting though I have never heard of the author. Will look forward to your review.

  3. Keely, that sounds so interesting! I will look forward to seeing what you think.

    Hm, perhaps you're right Lory? Since the diagram was flattened, it just looked like a double hexagony kind of thing with a lot of triangles. I'm just inferring that it was supposed to be a dodecahedron really. But that's a good thought.


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