It's the 21st Classics Club Spin!

Hooray, it's time for another Classics Club Spin!  Head over there to check out the rules, but they are very simple.  Choosing some titles, though, was a bit tricky for me.  A lot of my books are currently inaccessible, so I've had to be careful not to pick something that is not where I can get at it.  That said, here's my list:

  1. Sky Loom/Native American myth
  2. It Can't Happen Here, by Sinclair Lewis
  3. Thus Were Their Faces, by Silvina Ocampo 
  4. The Obedience of a Christian Man, by William Tyndale
  5. The Bride-Price, by Buchi Emecheta
  6. Our Mutual Friend, by Charles Dickens 
  7. Amerika, by Kafka
  8. Hunger, by Knut Hamsun
  9. The Leopard, by di Lampedusa 
  10. The Bride of Lammermoor, by Sir Walter Scott
  11. Subtly Worded, by Teffi
  12. The Red Cavalry Cycle, by Isaac Babel 
  13. Conjure Tales, by Charles Chesnutt
  14. Tales of the Narts (Ossetian myths) 
  15. Amrita, Banana Yoshimoto
  16. Grapes of Wrath, by John Steinbeck
  17. The Gray Earth, by Galsan Tshinag
  18. Season of Migration to the North, by Tayeb Salih 
  19. For Two Thousand Years, by Mihail Sebastian
  20. First Love and Other Stories, by Turgenev 
One I should read anyway for Back to the Classics, and two are on my TBR Challenge list.  Probably I will not get those at all....

Are you going to Spin?


  1. A fun looking list. I loved The Leopard when I read it last year. That would definitely be my choice of the ones I've read on your list.

  2. Loving the list! Are you hoping for a particular number?

  3. I think I'd be pretty happy with any of least at first! Some of them are daunting.

  4. Oh dear. Amerika? And It Can't Happen Here? Essential for our times. Maybe, sadly, Grapes of Wrath, too.

  5. Looks like a good list. I hope you love whatever you end up reading.

  6. This is a great list, Jean. I wish you well on the spin!

  7. I began 'It Can't Happen Here' when Trump was first elected, but stalled quite soon as fact started overtaking fiction. As the end of his first and hopefully last term nears I take heart in remembering that the seeds of resistance were being sown in the novel when I put it aside, meaning that I'm strongly tempted to pick it up again soon.

    Another title that catches my eye is 'Tales of the Narts' because it reminds me of when the claimed Sarmatian origins of the Arthurian legends were being vigorously promoted (the 'Narts of the Round Table' proved irresistible to headline writers). The whole hypothesis, of the Ossetians being solely responsible for key motifs in the legends, falls apart when chronology, history and risible threads manufactured from wishful thinking all cause it to fall apart at the faintest puff of contradiction. (But as stories the originals shorn of extraneous speculation sound to be fascinating!)


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