Mount TBR Checkpoint #2

I can't believe the year is half over.  As my kids get bigger, I get busier, and life is now speeding by faster than ever.  You wouldn't think that two teenagers could take up more time than two tiny kids, but apparently they do?  Maybe it's that they don't nap?  I dunno.  Anyway, it's time for Bev's quarterly TBR checkpoint!

So far I've read 12 titles out of my goal of 12, so I have reached Pike's Peak, and I shall now officially upgrade to the Mont Blanc level of 24 books.  On the other hand, it's been a little while since I touched that pile!  Oh dear.  (On the gripping hand, I've been gone and haven't read much of anything lately!  Yeah, that's it.)

Bev always assigns a little game or challenge:


Use titles from your list to complete as many of the following sentences below as you can.  If you haven't read enough books to give you good choices, then feel free to use any books yet to be read from your piles. I've given my answers as examples. Feel free to add or change words (such as "a" or "the" or others that clarify) as needed.
My Life According to Books
1. My Ex is/was The Umbrella Man, by Roald Dahl
2. My best friend is Reynard the Fox, trans. by James Simpson
3. Lately, at work [I've had to deal with] The Fleet Street Murders, by Charles Finch
4. If I won the lottery, I'd be The Left Hand of Darkness, by Ursula K. LeGuin
5. My fashion sense [says to join] The September Society, by Charles Finch
6. My next ride [will be to] Green Dolphin Street, by Elizabeth Goudge
7. The one I love is [here] Time and Again, by Clifford D. Simak]
8. If I ruled the world, everyone would [come] Up From Slavery, by Booker T. Washington
9. When I look out my window, I see Starship Troopers, by Robert Heinlein
10. The best things in life are The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge, by Rainer Maria Rilke 

Titles read:
  1. Starship Troopers, by Robert Heinlein
  2. Cromartie v. the God Shiva... by Rumer Godden
  3. The Left Hand of Darkness, by Ursula K. LeGuin
  4. Time and Again, by Clifford D. Simak
  5. The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge, by Rainer Maria Rilke 
  6. The Broken Road, by Patrick Leigh Fermor
  7. The Umbrella Man, by Roald Dahl
  8. Reynard the Fox, trans. by James Simpson
  9. Green Dolphin Street, by Elizabeth Goudge
  10. Up From Slavery, by Booker T. Washington
  11.  The September Society, by Charles Finch
  12.  The Fleet Street Murders, by Charles Finch


  1. Thanks for checking in! Great titles--how do you like the Charles Finch novels? I've enjoyed his books very much.

  2. Hi Bev! To be honest there were some things that bugged me, but the mysteries themselves were pretty good. See you around the mountains! :)

  3. It is always nice to tackle Mount TBR. :)

  4. Sometimes I wish I could hit the slow motion button on life. The years go by so fast. I can see how two teenagers would keep you more busy. My daughter is only five, and I only see it getting busier from here.

    Congratulations on reaching Pike's Peak, Jean! What a fun exercise! We have one of those that comes up every few months in one of my online reading groups. It's always fun to plug the titles in and see what I come up with. I haven't read any of the books you read for the challenge, but a few are ones I'd like to read. My husband introduced me to Heinlein years ago (he's one of his favorite authors), but I haven't yet red Starship Troopers (which is one of my husband's favorite books). I've read other of his books though, and enjoyed them. Charles Finch is an author I have been wanting to try. I think I may have The September Society on my TBR shelf, as a matter of fact. I've enjoyed Ursula K. LeGuin in the past.

    My TBR collection is huge--as I'm sure yours is too. I stopped calling it a stack or pile because those terms seem so inadequate. Haha!


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