WWReadathon, Day 7

It's not too late to join me!
I got so little time to read yesterday that I didn't write a post to tell you so.  I did, however, do a whole lot of
librarianing, so that was nice--I purchased, I weeded, I referenced, I taught!   Today was not a whole lot better reading-wise, because I was hard at work creating a blue dalek costume for my 11-year-old for Halloween.  It's almost done now, and I think it will be pretty good.  So, over the last couple of days, I have read:

Some War and Peace--not a ton, but some.

About half of Book VIII of Morte D'Arthur.  We are well into Tristram and "La Beale Isoud" now.

Nearly all of the rest of Supernatural Enhancements--I'm hoping to finish it tonight.

I have just got to write you up a review of Little Brother soon.  I have a lot to say about it.


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