Time to start reading!

Hail, gentle readers!  Be it known that the day has come wherein ye must fulfil your vows to read that most excellent tale, Le Morte D'Arthur.  May you all find joy in these pages.

In other words, you have from today until the 15th to read Books I through V: “From the Marriage of King Uther unto King Arthur that Reigned After Him and Did Many Battles,” and “The Noble Tale Between King Arthur and Lucius the Emperor of Rome.”  In my edition, that's about the first 150 pages.  Let us off to the castle!*

*A virtual cookie to whoever knows that quotation. :)


  1. A shot in the dark but is that quote from "The Princess Bride"?

  2. Monty Python's Holy Grail?

  3. Nope! It is a comedy, though. And it is medieval-y themed but not Arthur-y.

  4. I was thinking Monty Python too before I see the comments... Now I have no idea :)


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