Classics Spin Result

Well, the d20 has been rolled and the number is 1!  I will therefore be reading two plays by Christopher Marlowe: Faustus and one other of my choice.

This is where the universe gets to laugh at me.  When I made my list, James Baldwin's Go Tell It On the Mountain was in the #1 spot.  I was quite hoping to get that one, and thinking (as I do, despite knowing the rules of probability) that 1 never comes up, I moved it.  I will probably still read it over the summer, though.  Meanwhile, you can all point and laugh.


  1. You don't expect #1 to come up, do you? I was surprised to see it.

    Good luck with your reads. I started Doctor Faustus once upon a time but didn't finish it. I need to put it back on my classics list.

  2. I didn't expect 1 either, but the last spin number was 20 (the last on the list). I am predicting that the next spin number will be 10. Good luck on reading Doctor Faustus. I look forward to reading your review.

  3. Hahahaha, there you go! Always the universe has to tease you.

  4. Heh--I used #1 as a bit of a placeholder too, though I'm pretty excited for my pick (Emily Dickinson's poems).

    I've never read a Marlowe play, though I've got one on my tbr list. I hope you enjoy them both!


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