Another Little Update

Hello everyone--

I just wanted to throw in a little news before I start on the 3 reviews I have lined up, and the Spin, and some other things...

The other day I said I was starting August 1914 for the CC May Event.  It appears I got things a little mixed up--I thought May was going to be World War I, and that's June.  May is Post-Colonial Month, and I have nothing planned!  (Sure, I have many post-colonial titles on my CC list, I just wasn't thinking about it.)  But maybe this will spur me to finally get serious about reading Kaffir Boy, which I have had checked out from work for a truly embarrassing length of time.  Plus I have this interesting-looking mystery checked out from the public library which is also set in South Africa, so perhaps May will be South Africa month...

AND I really want to read Notes From the Underground as a follow-up to What is to be Done?  I'm thinking I'll take a short break from August 1914 (I'm on chapter 8 and it's pretty good so far) and read that first.  Notes is quite short, while August 1914 is about 700 large hardback pages.

Only 4 weeks to go until summer!  Things are changing up a little at work and it looks like I might get to do some collection development next year, which would be neat.

In blog news, a friend of mine has just started a new project: Chicory Folk Music.  She and her family are steeped in Appalachian folk music, and she will be sharing their talents, AND teaching ways for you to share folk music and history with your kids.  Homeschoolers will want to follow this blog, and anyone who loves music!  Here is a lovely sample for you:

In OTHER blog news, our classical homeschooling blog, Sandbox to Socrates, is growing.  This month we're doing a series on fostering creativity and talking about parents as teachers.  Stop by and take a peek!


  1. So funny... I forgot about May, had my reading lined up for June, and then found I had nothing on my book shelf for this month. I was saved by The Wharton Review, hosted by Brona's Books. So I will read The Age of Innocence before starting All Is Quiet on the Western Front.

  2. I love your homeschool blog. It's beautiful and right up my alley.


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